What Do Court Reporting Firms In Chicagoland Do?

Court reporters or stenographers record spoken information during legal proceedings transforming it into written documents or transcripts. If you are looking for court reporting firms in Chicagoland we offer the most reliable services. Call us at (312) 419-9292 and benefit from our court reporting services today!

From court hearings to depositions, the role of our stenographer is to carefully and expertly record the spoken words of the parties present in legal proceedings. Transcripts are based on recorded details that are representative of these proceedings and the purpose of upholding the legal system. To help you with recording and managing reliable and accurate transcripts, our certified reporters specialize in shorthand for various legal purposes.

We operate locally and internationally, focusing on providing services to Los Angeles, Washington DC, New York, and Chicago where we are based. Our services are conducted in real-time in which we transcribe voice to detailed text and prepare the transcripts for instant access by the relevant authorities. Owing to the time and attention required in this field, our stenographers are experts who are knowledgeable in legal terminology and can assist with customized requests.

Suppose you are an attorney, federal or state agency looking for freelance court reporters to create transcripts for trial. In that case, we assist with real-time capability, text video integration, and video-recorded depositions. We provide case management and document management services keeping track of every transcription. Our goal is to help you prepare for legal matters with a trusted and experienced team.

Our deposition stenographers are highly skilled in preparing transcripts for various legal purposes and proceedings along with the incorporation of technology such as telecommunication to modem. To help you with your next deposition or legal proceeding we deliver a wide range of trusted services on a nationwide and international basis. Contact us for professional stenography services and unmatched expertise provided by our dedicated and fully certified team of stenographers.